Indian Navy Day 2023

Date, History and Significance of Indian Navy Day

Indian Navy Day is celebrated on December 4th every year to commemorate the Indian Navy's attack on the Karachi harbor during the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War.

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This audacious attack, codenamed Operation Trident, crippled the Pakistani Navy and significantly contributed to India's victory in the war.

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On December 4th, 1971, a group of Indian Navy ships launched a surprise attack on the Karachi harbor, sinking Pakistani warships and damaging vital port facilities.

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This attack demoralized the Pakistani Navy and disrupted their supply lines.

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Indian Navy Day is a day to honor the Indian Navy's bravery, valor, and sacrifice.

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The Indian Navy is a formidable force, with a modern fleet of ships, submarines, and aircraft.

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It has played a vital role in various operations, including anti-piracy operations in the Indian Ocean, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions.

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The East India Company established a naval branch called the Royal Indian Navy in 1612. Its name was changed to Indian Navy in 1950.

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